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Ich barfe NICHT, hier die Gründe !

geschrieben von Frank(YCH) 
Ich barfe NICHT, hier die Gründe !
21. Februar 2003 15:48


Was ich mir schon immer gedacht hab.

Gruß, Frank, Hundehalter seit 20 Jahren.
Füttere TroFu, NaFu und SelbstGEKOCHTES (wichtig!)

21. Februar 2003 17:06

Hi Frank,

es zwingt Dich doch keiner...

Aber mal was anderes: Reflektiere den Beitrag in dem gesetzten Link nochmal - da steht soviel MÜLL drin, dass man nur mit dem Kopf schütteln kann...

"Domestic dogs do not have the same digestive enzymes as a wild dog"

Das hat bei mir wirklich einen hemmungslosen Lachkrampf ausgelöst!!!!!

Sorry, aber das war KEIN guter Grund gegen BARF oder Frischfleisch!
Unabhängig von der Art der Fütterung, die ich bevorzuge ;-))

Liebe Grüße,
Me & Bär

21. Februar 2003 17:07

Ann Martin spricht hier wohl mehr die FeFu-Lobby an........


21. Februar 2003 17:34

:ich fand nur die Antwort von Dr. Billinghurst (oder wie heißt der Mann) ziemlich komisch. Beleidigt wie ein Guru, der Angst um seine Jünger hat. Naja, um euch braucht er sich ja keine Sorgen machen.

Viel Glück für eure Hunde. Ich persönlich kenne eine Hündin, die nach langen Jahren problemloser Rohfütterung am Darmverschluß (wegen den Knochen) gestorben ist. Die Besitzerin findet Barf auch nicht mehr so toll. Verständlicherweise.

21. Februar 2003 17:36

"Regarding your article [www.secondchanceranch.org] , I am pleased to see in print, what my own research led me to years ago. I have copied this to several of my friends, veterinarians and colleagues whose animals may benefit greatly by their taking the time to look at this from the perspective of someone who has done their homework. I commend you on your research and can only hope the facts behind the "raw meat myth" will prevail.

To my knowledge, we are the only wolf facility that does not feed any raw meat or bones whatsoever to our wolves. They don't need it - and further, it is my ardent belief they are healthier and happier without it. I also think they live longer. I have two matriarchs at my compound - one is 13 years of age and the other is 14. Neither of them look nor act their age. The 14 year-old gets around like a wolf half her age and still engages in playful activity with her son, who is 7 years her junior. I have never had a parasite "problem" at the facility. The wolves are in packs or pairs in respective, independent enclosures and isolated from each other. The only wolves on the premises who have never needed to be treated for parasites are pups we rescue and hand raise. The New Mexico pack (North American Gray wolves) turned two this past April. We dug them out of a den (rescued from a breeder) when their eyes were still crusted shut. We've never fed them anything that remotely resembles raw anything - with the exception of vegetables and fruits regularly. They've never needed to be treated for worms, parasites or anything else - till we took two (orphaned) 12 week old pups from a facility that does feed raw meat and integrated them into this pack. A month later, they all had hook. The only other case we ever had here was seen in a wild wolf we took from Yellowstone National park via the USFWS. She died of a rare form of hook that didn't show up in tests. We theorize she must have brought it with her from the park - our vet (at the time) thinks she got it from elk.

My own independent study shows that nearly all of the animals we rescue from breeders or "owners" who buy into the raw meat theory - and wolves we take from other facilities that believe the same - have all needed treatment for parasites upon arrival. The pups we rescue at birth and raise here - who have never been exposed to a raw meat diet - have never needed treatment for anything, not even what is considered "normal" puppy worming. They've never needed it. Our wolves are on a special wolf feed that meets their nutritional requirements. The feed was originally created by two wolf biologists specifically for the Mexican wolf recovery program because Mexican wolves were not doing well in captivity. The feed is so rich in protein and high in fat that Mexican wolves started to thrive on it. Purina Mills (not Purina Dog Food) bought the formula and now produces the feed (Exotic Canine Diet) for zoos and other facilities like ours. It's a dry feed and so does not draw flies - which as you know, bring all manner of parasites.

Many people labor under the false notion that wolves are carnivores when in fact, they are omnivores. The only true carnivores on the planet are cats - they don't produce an essential amino acid called "taurine" which is found in raw meat. Without it, they go blind as it first affects the retina, then they die. Wolves however, do produce this amino acid and can live quite nicely without all the blood and guts.

Thanks for exposing the lie and keep up the good work!

For the Wolves,

Rae Evening Earth Ott


North American Wolf Association


Ich kann schon lesen...

21. Februar 2003 18:00

Hi Frank,

falls Du das Buch noch nicht gelesen haben solltest, es lohnt sich.

Zuerst wurde ich hier auch mit BARF "erschlagen", versuchte aber auch, die andere Seite der Medaille kennen zu lernen.

Ich war bis dahin nie ein Fefu-Freund, u. a. dieses Buch hat mich dazu veranlasst, die Ernährung meiner Hunde selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Für meine Hunde wird jetzt gekocht (ohne Knochen) - und ich habe ein beruhigtes Gewissen.

